The nationalisation of British banks has persuaded Madame Boyo that revolution is once again just around the corner.
This, and the return of rainy weather, has prompted us to head off to Crete for a week.
From our headquarters in the village of Keratahori Madame B will prepare for government. I will continue to plant evidence of early Welsh settlement at archaeological sites off the coast.
Our daughter Arianrhod is looking forward to visiting a leper colony.
Please feel free to join the Cymru Rouge now that we teeter on the cwm of power. We especially welcome opportunists and slogan-chanting child soldiers.
Have fun. Try not to sink any islands.
Diolch, byddwn yn ofalus y tro 'ma.
I suspect a Welsh hand in it. Interesting that you've chosen this moment to sneak off to Crete. Give my regards to the bull.
Crete's a lovely island for a holiday, Boyo. Great snorkeling on the south coast, nice people, turtles, birds, etc. And you could read some Kazantzakis while you're there - an interesting writer but still easy enough to count as "holiday reading".
It's always good to have a warning of impending revolution. I'll tell my Mam, she'll think it's lovely, isn't it?
We couldn't possibly have a revolution: we'd have the arse out of the trousers and the wheels off before we'd even got the wrapping paper off it. And then we'd be sent to bed with no Vimto.
Revolution? Not yet, I haven't got my makeup on.
Oh, boo, Boyo,don't stay away too long. You'll be bloated with Baklava and befuddled by balalaikas and Berkshire will seem boring.
I shall be fomenting revolution in Torquay.
I'm happy to be a running dog, if that's any help. Or a paper tiger; I've got a really super outfit from last Hallowe'en.
Crete? Where's that then. Next to Treco Bay?
The ancient Cretan civilisation failed after naming its capital after the sound of someone sneezing. There is a warning for Wales in that...
Dangerous time to leave - they may not let you back in again.
Remember to stay well undercover... ...or is the Cymru Rouge a society for elsh people with sun-burn?
Plaid tank tops.
My dear friends,
I am moved and, as ever, strangely aroused by the dry, laconic quality of your comments in mine absence. No smut, just wit.
Most of you proved to be right on the question of revolution once again. Madame Boyo is drafting an explanation of where it all went wrong again.
Crete was magnificent. I shall recount all later. Kazantzakis I read at school, Gadjo, though not in nea ellinika. "Christ Recrucified" ought to be filmed, ideally as a musical. Part of Zorba The Greek was filmed i Kokkino Chorio, a few miles from the monastery we were desecrating.
Kevin, I've passed on your suggestion to "Lord" Elis-Thomas.
:-) Great that you've had a good time Boyo. Kazantzakis would have certainly been with you on the monastery desecrating expedition. If we are to have another revoliution then its ideals really should be based on pan-Hellenism, and it should be filmed, as a musical, none of that Eisenstein stuff. Great that you're back.
Boyo, hooray! Home safe and sound!
Didja bring anything nice home with you?
Agreed, Gadjo. Penhellenism has such a wonderful success rate. Remember my last foray into Greek politics?
Thank you Mrs Pouncer. We brought back wine, komboloi and a bottle of monkey juice made by our host Mr Panayiotis. Plus Arianrhod, despite our best efforts.
Wot? No sticks of rock?
Hope you gave Mrs Boyo her Crete an' two veg.
Pop, Mrs Boyo has agents everywhere. You may find those words carved into your flesh in some overliteral tribute to Kafka. I know I will.
Kevin, rock must wait. Once capitalism's rubble has been helfted into an obelisk of socialism, there will be rock enough for everyone. And sherbet.
Sherbet dabs are the opiate of the people.
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