A post-Obamatag conversation down The Tethered Goat:
The K-Man (leafing through The Guardian photospread on the US elections): Ach, that Palin woman, she's no my type.
No Good Boyo: I suspect the feeling's mutual. (Notes K-Man's baseball cap and general air of dereliction) But, on the other hand -
The K-Man: I dunno. She's got a silly face.
No Good Boyo (looks over K-Man's shoulder): K-Man, that's Hillary Clinton.
Strange that the K-man should provide both of us with memorably bloggable moments on the same day. 'Tis the most he's done in years...
I feel very warm towards the K-man. Do I know him? Would I like him? He seems to be able to lay hands on the mot juste with oily ease. (Actually, I mistyped that as oiky ease to begin with).
I've been told by a terrifying number of people that the Palin woman is attractive, like the fact that she's a M16 flaunting moon howler has no bearing on it.
No one has ever said the same about Hileery for some reason.
Oh, could ye explain the wee disaster for Scotland tag then? New to the blog see. I'm obviously missing something.
Alas poor Hilldog, the almost first madam president. I think getting elected would have done wonders for her marriage. Bill would have loved to f**k the most powerful woman in the world.
Mrs P, when we eventually have our Thames Valley bloguerie, I'll ask the K-Man along. You would definitely like him.
Toe-Poker, welcome! Your blog is arcane and antipodean, therefore of great interest to our readers. This blog officially supports the Flat Earth movement (incorporating Flat Mooners), so we'd be interested to know what it's like on the other side of the disc.
(for details, see: http://alfanalf.blogspot.com/2008/08/lost-horizon.html)
This blog also endorses Mrs Palin as a fox, and wishes her well in 2012.
(for details, see: http://alfanalf.blogspot.com/2008/09/body-politic.html)
The K-Man is a Weegie, and describes all the many lacunae in his life as "disasters for Scotland". Other nations have cause to complain about them too.
GB, you have achieved the rare feat of lowering the tone of this blog. There's a Glenys Kinnock mask in the post for you.
If Hillary's losing the Democratic nomination has spared us tabloid acres of stories about Bill Clinton screwing Anne Robinson I'll have to nip out and light a few candles in thanks.
Boyo, because you haven't done the 'older woman' post for Mrs P and myself, I have tagged you... it'll calm you down after all the Espronto gubbins. Anyhow pop by mine to find out what I'm going on about.
P.S The Palin woman will end up looking like Deirdre Barlow from Corrie, you mark my words...
I'm just recovering from the celebrations. I didn't have any alcohol so I tried to inebriate myself with coffee. Many thanks to the folks at Ysbyty Gwynedd A&E by the way. O yeah, a dw'i wedi symud fy mlogiau i gyd (ac eithrio'r Big O wrth gwrs) i'r blog yma.
Diolch Ordo, n'i adnewyddu nghysylltiadau.
Scarlet, I've already recounted my tale of vinyl woe:
I'm going to assume that the strange collection of letter in some of these comments are Welsh.
I learned Dutch when I moved here and I thought that it was hard work. But then I had a quick look at Welsh (from a safe distance, you understand) and that seemed a nightmare.
I've been told horror stories too.
Whilst I'm on the subject, can I just check with Mrs P that it is English and only English that you speak? I keep having to refer to my dictionary when you use words that stump me.
I suspect an excess of education...
Yes! Sarah Palin is an uber-babe. I would totally have voted for her but the embassy guards got fussy.
Young Famulus, I sympathise with your Dutch nightmare. My German teacher was Dutch, and it took me years to degutturalise myself and relearn to pronounce the letter "s". I sounded like Sean Connery via Utrecht.
I speak only Welsh, but get by in English, Ruthenian and Scarletina.
Indeed. My Dutch is of the northern persuasion. Proper grrrrrs and nothing like the Flemish version. German is something that I have briefly flirted with...
As for languages such as Scarletian, I am hopeless...
I’m not sure I’m getting my head round or spread over the whole flat earth thing, I will endeavour to keep an closer eye on the road. I do like the hovering plane theory though.
You’re right of course, Australia is full of liars.
And I like Robert Fisk and Willie Nelson, besides the fact they might make a nice couple – ugly sex included – they’re both worth listening too.
I’ve just read the first couple of pages of Willie’s new cowboy novel in a book shop. It made me laugh. Out loud. And I don’t think its supposed to. When I stood back the guy who grabbed it immediately after me had a chuckle too so maybe it is.
Oh and as to sex-y politicians, your post was an awesome piece of work Mr no good.
I need to ask why Carla Bruni isn't on it? She’s gorgeous, she plays the guitar and she’s practically running France.
Fisk is certainly value for money, although I'm not sure what it is he's supposed to do, Mr Poker.
It's a tough one, but spouses of politicians don't count - even if they are the power behind the throne. Otherwise Mrs Assad and The Lovely Queen Rania of Jordan would be right in there. We have to draw the line.
I knew a Finnish guy who - instead of teaching German as he was supposed to - deliberately taught his Swedish pupils German sounding gibberish.
Simon bach, he taught them Dutch!?
It certainly fits the bill!
I always seem to get off on the wrong foot with Dutch people, especially when I tell them that although I don't speak Dutch, ik praat een beetje Afrikaans.
Same here. They're always panning in the river around the Clogau gold mines in search of enough scraps to fund their "holiday". Freaks, the lot of them.
My public rendition of "Sarie Marais" got me banned from more than one coffee shop.
"Bring my terug na die ou Transvaal..."
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