Iron Chancellor Otto von Bismarck said "Politics is the art of the possible". Irn-Bru Chancellor Gordon Brown must interpret this as meaning "Do what thou Wilt", as he has nudged Dads' Favourite Caroline Flint mewling through the Cabinet catflap and settled Glenys Kinnock in her silken basket as Minister of Europe.
This means I need to issue some urgent clarification. Readers of this web blog may have noticed that I have:
- Consistently alledged that Baroness Kinnock of Lle Chwech's middle name is "Bloody";
- Intimated that she is a scrum-guzzling nymphomaniac;
- Relished the prospect of her being molested by Nicaraguan "Contra" desperadoes;
- Advocated her life incarceration on Bardsey Island;
- Accused her affable, unlettered husband of handing Britain over to La Thatch as part of a long-standing nationalist plot;
- Jeered at her son's persecution by Russian spooks; and
- Obliged prostitutes to wear Glenys masks while giving me a Brazilian.
- The Minister of Defence is in charge of putting our feral youth in tanks and pointing them at the Taleban;
- The Minister of Health tries to keep superbugs safely isolated in hospitals; and
- The Minister of Education hands out 'A' levels or whatever to anyone who makes it to 18 without falling foul of the said ministers of defence and health.
I would therefore propose to Lady Kinnock a hudna - the kind of ceasefire favoured by Hamas. The Cymru Rouge pledges not to refer to her manifest evil or idiot family very much if she in turn promises not to make us spend the autumn in Berkshire.
She reads The Guardian. She'll appreciate our sincerity.
Well, well. I thought the woman was the moll of a has-been, but you're saying she's crept into high office via the House of Nobs? Wasn't she quite a piece of totty in her day?
All Welsh women are hot to trot, GB, so it's statistically likely that even Glenys was puntable. Depends on how much genetic material she got from the interdimensional star-shambler side of the family.
"The Cymru Rouge pledges not to refer to her manifest evil or idiot family very much if she in turn promises not to make us spend the autumn in Berkshire."
I hereby resign my kommisarship in the Rouge.
It's a matter of principle. The Kinnochios should be given no quarter. Under any circumstances.
The Angka Watcyn orders you to reconsider, late Comrade Sedge. Please note that we are proposing a hudna, not a real ceasefire. The insults will continue, and it will somehow all be the fault of the Kinnocks.
OK, I shall withdraw my resignation, but only on a provisional basis. Any further sign of deviationism and you're toast, Boyo.
Looking at the European election results, it would seem that our beloved Cymru has just had the most enormous dump in the lle chwech, missing the pan entirely. And all that blydi Kinnock woman can do is gloat over her integration into the enemy establishment.
How much weapons do you have? Or is it all pitchforks and biliousness?
Encouraging "Trace the Molotov Line" tourism would be great idea. A Ukrainian acqaintance of mine once tried to borrow money from me to develop his Visit the Potemkin Villages tourist enterprise.
"How much weapons do you have? Or is it all pitchforks and biliousness?"
This is the Wales we're talking about: short on weapons, but never wanting for biliousness.
Will Wales have her back now that it's a Tory bastion?
Sedge, you were cruising for a purging - it is summer and we're long overdue, after all - but redeemed yourself with that Red-Guard Left-Hook to the pulpy plexus of Anonymous.
Robster - if that's your real name:
First, it ought to be "How much weapons does you have?".
Second, don't underestimate pitchforks and bile. Mob justice throughout the ages has been based on little else, save some superstition about wearing glasses and keeping yourself to yourself.
Gaw, I wrote the following on an eminent Welsh blog on Saturday -
Brown: Who still votes Labour, and how can we piss the losers off?
Balls: Wales. You give give Kinnock a job - his first ever!
Brown: Get lost; not even I'd put Neil in charge of anything.
Balls: He's got a wife, you know...
Just call me Nos-Da Damus.
Neil and Glenys were known as "The Power and the Glory" in their university days. We Welsh relish making statements that will come back to haunt us.
True, Taff. We abuse words the way our Gaelic cousins abuse the drink.
I hope I'm not going to regret saying that.
'fraid so, goboi. Madame Boyo is Ukrainian, and always wary of being personally reincorporated into the Kresy as the Województwo bojojowe.
Taff, but which was which? And do the anti-Kinnockistas on this blog have the dialectical nous to teach us how to deal with BloJo?
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