I've a post over at The Dabbler on how Wales can catch up with Scotland and South Sudan in the race to independence - not by being miserable, or fighting some Arabs, but rather through the potency of cheap literature.
It worked for the Afghans, it can work for us.
Read on, then start writing. Our country needs you.
In the name of Allah, the all perfect, the all merciful, I am proclaiming the Chalifate in Wales.
Have you been watching that bloody "Merryl" Wyn Davies on Rageeh Omar's "Muhammad - The Movie", Ciaran?
In the greatest programming cock-up this year it clashed with "Strictly Kosher", some fucker must DIE!
I watched neither, as I'm boycotting TV for its refusal to make any of my programmes.
One of my cadres watched both and agreed with your analysis.
Orthodox Jews are, on the whole, proof that you can be an obsessive religious nut without a). wanting to make everyone else the same sort of obsessive religious nut, and b). demanding respeck from the world in return for glaring at them angrily.
The Muhammad programme wasn't the grim whitewash that I'd feared, would have been better if it had been called "The Lessons of Marx" and presented by an Italian lady in a well-tailored velvet catsuit.
Firstly on Mohammed (QSSL) Islam is the best hope of the far left at the present time. What other world faith has Plod shitting his pants? As for Judaism you raised some good points you goy mamzer. However, the ultra frumm Haredi reserve the right to say who is or is not a Jew (basically any EDL **** will do that for free!) and make 99% of Jews feel bad. Already.
Young man, it is not possible to be both a goy and a mamzer.
I have a title: 'The Borth Conundrum.' Involves maybe - Templars, drowned villages, after hours drinking, seaweed... mystical invocations on the dunes of Ynyslas at midnight, more after hours drinking... sex, more than likely...
Rod, you're onto a winner. You can work in the submerged city of Cantre'r Gwaelod, which lies nearby. Make sure you set an eerie scene of twilight existentialism at Dovey Junction, the loneliest place in the world:
I know Dovey Junction only too well. At a certain point in my strange life in Wales I was contemplating living there - for the peace it would offer. Apart from spectres from drowned settlements trolling up the estuary - but they might have provided some entertainment on cold nights.
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